买了个interserver月付3刀的KVM VPS,太难用,退了!
Interserver $3 Monthly Storage VPS Coupon — Best bang for the buck you would ever see.
从这里购买了半价,每月3刀,购买后第一时间就是想着能否DD windows 7 出来,毕竟kvm windows 他家的10刀每月,用优惠码后也需要5刀/月,还不如我目前用的dedipath dd windows 7的样子。但是购买后发现他家什么的都跟别家的不一样,不管什么操作,上来就是如下提示,要你等两分钟....
Action has been sent to the server. Please allow up to 2 minutes for action to be completed. (Cancel)
Your VPS is too difficult to use. No matter what I do, I always prompt as follows: action has been sent to the server Please allow up to 2 minutes for action to be completed. (cancel), which is different from many VPS merchants I have used. They are all instant operation. Your one is relatively low-level, which is inconvenient for me to use. As you can see, I have cancelled the VPS in the background and now apply for a refund. thank you.
Refunded $3 to Paypal.