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admin15年前 (2010-05-22)SEO优化592
第一部分:关键词工具 关键词研究工具:适当深入地进行关键字研究,为 你的网站进行栏目划分及规范关键词部署做准备。 1.Keyword Research Tool – Webmaster toolkit (http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/keyword-research-tool.shtml) 2. Keyword External Tool – Google Adwords (https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal) 3. Keyword Selector Tool – Inventory Overture (http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/) 4. Keyword Suggestions Overture – SEO Chat (http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/keyword-suggestions-google/) 5.Website Keyword Suggestions – Webconfs (http://www.webconfs.com/website-keyword-suggestions.php) 6. Keyword Suggestion Tool – Self SEO (http://www.selfseo.com/keyword_suggestion_tool.php) 关键词密度:一个关键字、词在页面出现的个数及所占文本的比率。 7. Keyword Density – SEO Chat (http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/keyword-density/) 8. Keyword Density & Proeminence – Ranks (http://www.ranks.nl/tools/spider.html) 9. Keyword Density Analyzer – Keyword density (http://www.keyworddensity.com/) 10.Analyze Keywords Density – Google rankings (http://googlerankings.com/ultimate_seo_tool.php) 11.Keyword Density Checker – Webconfs (http://www.webconfs.com/keyword-density-checker.php) 12.Keyword Density Analyzer Tools – SEO Book (http://tools.seobook.com/general/keyword-density/) 竞争对手分析:可以分析目标关键词的竞争对手是谁,并分析竞争对手用过的关键词。 13.Competition Tool – SEO Digger (http://seodigger.com/) 14.Competition Analysis Tool – Seoscorecard (http://www.seoscorecard.com/) 15.Top Competitor Tool – Webuildpages (http://www.webuildpages.com/seo-tools/top-competitor- tool.php) 搜索引擎关键字位置的工具: 利用这些工具来检查你的关键词目前在主要搜索引擎如Google, Yahoo, MSN所处的位置。 16.Search Engine Keyword Position – SEO Chat (http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/search-engine-keyword-position/) 17. Keyword Analysis Tool – Mcdar (http://www.mcdar.net/KeywordTool/keywordtool.asp) 18. SERPS Position Checker – LinkVendor (http://www.linkvendor.com/seo-tools/serps-position.html) 19. Website Position Tool – Rnk1 (http://www.rnk1.com/) 第二部分:链接工具 链接广度:跟踪反向链接的总数,并返回哪些网站链回了你及锚文本是哪些。 20.Link Popularity – SEO Chat (http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/link-popularity/) 21. Link Popularity Checker – Webmaster Toolkit (http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/link-popularity- checker.shtml) 22.Link Popularity Check – Widexl Internet Solution (http://www.seocentro.com/tools/s … ink-popularity.html) 23.Link Popularity Check – Market Leap (http://www.marketleap.com/publinkpop/) 24.Link Popularity – Backlinks Checker – Search Bliss (http://www.searchbliss.com/seo-tools/popularity.asp) 25. Backlink Analyzer – Sitening (http://sitening.com/seo-tools/) 26. Check Backlinks – Webuildpages (http://www.webuildpages.com/tools/) C级IP地址检查::对链接伙伴进行IP地址分布检查,而不至于被同一类IP地址的链接所惩罚。 27.Class C Checker – Webrank Info (http://www.webrankinfo.com/english/tools/class-c-checker.php) 28. Class C Checker – Webmaster Toolkit (http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/class-c-checker.shtml) 29. Class C Checker – SEO Chat (http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/class-c-checker/) 蜘蛛模拟器:可以获知网页外观与搜索引擎蜘蛛索引的区别。 30. Spider Simulator – SEO Chat (http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/class-c-checker/) 31. Spider View – Iwebtool (http://www.iwebtool.com/spider_view) 32. Search Engine Spider Simulator – Anownsite (http://www.anownsite.com/webmast … pider-simulator.php) 33. SE Bot Simulator – XML Sitemaps (http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/se- bot-simulator.html) 34.SE Spider – LinkVendor (http://www.linkvendor.com/seo-tools/se-spider.html) 第三部分:可用性工具 浏览器分辨率测试:在不同屏幕分辨率、不同操作系统、不同浏览器下网页的显示效果。 35. Browser Screen Resolution Checker – Markhorrell (http://www.markhorrell.com/tools/browser.html) 36. Screen Size Tester – AnyBrowser (http://www.anybrowser.com/ScreenSizeTest.html) 37.Screen Resolution Checker – AndyLangTon (http://andylangton.co.uk/stuff/screen-resolution-checker) HTML及CSS验证:毫无疑问,W3C的验证会让你取得更好的搜索引擎排名加分,赶快改正那些错误及不规范的代码吧。 38. W3C Validator (http://validator.w3.org/) 39.WDG HTML Validator – Web Design Group (http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/) 40. CSE HTML Validator Lite (http://onlinewebcheck.com/) 41. Validation Services for your HTML / XHTML / WML – Validome(http://www.validome.org/) 42.CSS Validator – Jigsaw (http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/) FireFox扩展: 43. W3C Validator(http://validator.w3.org/) 44.WDG HTML Validator – Web Design Group (http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/) 45.CSE HTML Validator Lite(http://onlinewebcheck.com/) 页面速度测试:页面小、 下载速度快的网页谁深受用户喜欢。 46.Speed Tester – LinkVendor(http://www.linkvendor.com/seo-tools/speedtester.html) 47. Website Speed Test – Web Hosting Top(http://www.web-hosting-top.com/w … .website-speed-test) 48.Website Speed Test – Iwebtool(http://www.iwebtool.com/speed_test) 49.Speed test – WebSite Goodies (http://www.websitegoodies.com/tools/speed-test.php) 50.Web Page Speed Report (http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/wso.php) 第 四部分:其他SEO工具 PageRank 预测:包括未来预测及当前PR值。 51.Future PageRank – SEO Chat(http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/future-pagerank/) 52. Predict PageRank – Page Rank Prediction(http://www.pagerankprediction.com/) 53. Future PageRank (http://futurerank.com/rank/) 54.Page Rank Prediction – DNLodge (http://www.dnlodge.com/seo/pagerank_prediction.php) 55. Visual PageRank – Iwebtool (http://www.iwebtool.com/visual_pagerank) 56. Search PageRank – SEO Chat (http://www.pageranktool.net/) 57. Page Rank Tool (http://www.pageranktool.net/) 流量排名:网站的流 量走势及搜索引擎分析。 58.Alexa Traffic (http://alexa.com/site/ds/top_500?qterm) 59. Awstats (http://awstats.sourceforge.net/) 60.Sitetracker (http://www.sitetracker.com/) 61. Histats (http://www.histats.com/) 62.Google Analytics (http://www.google.com/analytics/) 63. Compete (http://compete.com/) 搜索引擎饱和度:搜索引擎索引网站网页的数量。 64. Search Engine Saturation – Market Leap (http://www.marketleap.com/siteindex/) 65.Search Engine Saturation Tool – Build Reciprocal Links (http://www.build-reciprocal-links.com/searchengine-saturation/) 66. Search Engine Saturation – SearchBliss (http://www.searchbliss.com/seo-tools/saturation.asp) 67. Search Engine Saturation Tool – To the Web (http://totheweb.com/tools/sesat/index.php) 68.Search Engine Saturation Tool – SEO Book (http://tools.seobook.com/general/sesat/)




标签: 站长工具



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15年前 (2010-05-30)

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15年前 (2010-05-31)

Hy, I bought this psp 2000 with a pandora battery and custom firmware already on it. But the analoge stick could only move up and down and not left and right (I didnt care because I didnt need it for the games I played :p) For about a month the psp worked fine en this one day he didnt work anymore :s - The green light is always on unless the battery is empty or out the psp. - I cant turn the psp on or of. - I cant see anything on the screen it is just black. - I cant hear anything. Well that are all the details I can think of for now. I hope somebody can help or atleast try to help me.

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15年前 (2010-05-31)

Recently after upgrading to GEN D3, I have been faced with an annoying (but not critical) bug were the X and O buttons swap. On the XMB it is normal where X is to confirm and O is to cancel, but as soon as the game launches, they swap and I don't know why.

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15年前 (2010-06-01)

I don't think it really has anything to do with the memory sticks or the reader itself because when the USB is plugged in the sticks, reader and unit seems to work just as it should but when it is unplugged the issue is again apparent.

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