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admin14年前 (2011-02-09)网站制作524
今天deepvps要从新网转移一个域名去GoDaddy。这个域名是以前还是小白的时候在新网代理下面注册的。结果这个代理居然要我交100元的转移费,还要邮寄什么身份证之类的才可以给转移码。这个钱当然不能给交了,deepvps就一顿搜索,结果找到了一篇文章,按照文章的介绍在InterNIC提交了投诉,现在新网已经乖乖的把转移密码给我啦,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~。 现全文转载如下,希望可以帮到和我有一样困扰的同学。 1,首先确保域名WHOIS里面的管理员邮箱是自己的,要是不是自己的,记得投诉前先去修改成自己的正常邮箱。 2,然后去http://reports.internic.net/cgi/registrars/problem-report.cgi提交你的投诉。在这里你只需要填写一下个人信息,还有下面的单选框,选右下角那一个。 Transfer Problems - Auth Codes Locked Domain Fraudulent Transfer Registrar Denied Transfer 作为消费者的我们一定要勇于维护自己的权益,而不是忍气吞声,这样子只会助纣为虐,让坏人更加嚣张。对于中国的某些域名注册商和代理们我也不用多说 了,如果你曾经在转移域名的问题受到过他们的刁难,请一定要到上面这个地址去投诉下他们。 3,下面是一些英文的投诉范文,大家可以根据自己的情况参考。 首先是国内几大注册商的英文全称,如果还有不知道自己域名注册商英文全称的,可以留言,deepvps查到会随时回复的。 万网:HICHINA ZHICHENG TECHNOLOGY LTD. 新网互联(新互):BEIJING INNOVATIVE LINKAGE TECHNOLOGY LTD. DBA DNS.COM.CN 新网信海(新网):XIN NET TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 范文1
Hello,I regesiter xxxx.com and xxxx.com from HICHINA ZHICHENG TECHNOLOGY LTD. I am not satisfied with their services.And I want to transfer my domains to name.com. From April 20th,2009,I have do everything as they tell me to do.I have send my goverment ID card copy to them. And I have given a lot of phones to them.Everytime they say I will receive my auth code soon.But everytime I login in my email-”[email protected]”,I still couldn’t receive the auth codes. They limited the user transfer the domain particularly seriously.I have waste about one mothes but I still can’t receive my auth code. Today they want me to wait for 60 days and continu to begin the transfer again. They don’t give me the auth codes to transfer the domain.Please!Please!Do please help me tarnsfer my domain.HICHINA is a very bad domain registrar. 
This is a Domain Name Complaint letter about HiChina Registrar I send 3nd times. I’m the domain owner of xxxxxx, wanna transfer domains registrar from HiChina (HiChina Zhicheng Technology Limited, www.net.cn) to GoDaddy.com, Inc.  But after I submit information include photocopy of id card & passport and comfirm they recieved (by telephone). HICHINA refuse to processed the transfer, the reason is the application form is not completely. Actually I submit 2 times to meet their request. First time: Around 23rd, Dec 2008 I sent application form and photocopy of my ID card. They replay me that there is a reqest item i left empty and no signature; Second time: Around 8th, Feb 2009 I sent application form with signature and completely all item attached photocopy of my passport (by HiChina’s request). But they still refuse with same reason. I don’t know how can I do to meet the request. I feel that is irresponsible action and it break the iccan domain policy for nosense reason. I need your help.
To Iccan administrator: Dear ICCAN administrator,happy new year. This is a Domain Name Complaint letter about Changing Registrars,I’m the domain owner, wanna tranfer some domain Registrar from HICHINA WEB SOLUTIONS (HONG KONG) LIMITED to enom (xxx.com,xx.net,xx.com,xx.com,xxxx.com…) But after i submit ems info to them and confirm they receving(by email and telephone),HICHINA refuse to proceed the process and then have no response. I feel that’s irresponsible action and it break the iccan domain Policy for nonsense reason.I need your help. my agent id:xxx,name xxx,thanks a lot. server info: Domain Name: xxx Registrar: HICHINA WEB SOLUTIONS (HONG KONG) LIMITED Whois Server: grs.hichina.com Referral URL: http://whois.hichina.com 
Hello,  I registered my domain 域名 at 注册商. I am not satisfied with their service and I want to transfer my domain to other companies. I can’t find any place on their site to get my Auth-Info code. Followed their FAQ, I found they require a paper form to be filled and mailed to their office with a hard copy of my official personal photo ID or/and passport. I feel very uncomfortable about this. I don’t think they have the authority to check my personal id and keep a hard copy, it contains lot of my privacy info. I believe this requirement is against both ICANN policy and local law.
参考:http://www.zhaojiang.org/article/domain-transfer/ 来自:http://www.deepvps.com/domain-transfer.html




标签: 站长工具



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14年前 (2011-02-09)


14年前 (2011-02-12)



