Z-Library 用户无需捐款可得两个私有公网域名
You are at your personal domain!
Personal domain is your own third-level clearnet (public internet) domain. Use it to access the Z-library without the need for TOR or I2P networks.
Please keep your domains private! Do not disclose your personal domains and do not share links to your domains as they are protected with your own password and cannot be accessed by other users.
z-library会提供免费的两个公网地址给捐助过的用户,pm域名的子域名。在个人Profile 页面,可以查看私有公网域名地址。这样不用再担心官网被Ban,也不用避免Tor或I2P访问过慢的问题。
现在,在 singlelogin.me 注册/登录后可直接获得两个私人域名,但通过私人域名访问捐献页面会显示 404.